Friday, March 1, 2013

Winter Patterns

Do I blend in?
While I was trying to take photos the barn cats would not leave me alone. I decided why not take pictures of them too. I like this picture because there are several patterns. At first I did not like this picture because I thought there was too much grey but now I am starting to like it. I think a different distance might help this picture not look so square. 

This is a photo of the old barn. I like the patterns of the nails and the wood. I think the black and white effect adds more to the feeling of it being old. I think this photo is boring. Maybe if there was something in this photo to make it stand out it might have been better.

I took this photo because there is nothing but a repeated fence line. I like this photo because of the weeds by the fence posts. If I had more sections of the fence in this photo it might have made it better. 

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