Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lines in Nature

I took this photo because not all lines are straight. This picture shows a good example of that. The main subject in this photo is the tree branches. The secondary subject is the snow resting on the branches. I like this photo because of the angle I shot it at. I took this picture looking upwards at the sky. 

I like how the snow in this picture makes the branches pop out. This is another example of how lines in nature are not always straight. When we think of lines, we automatically think of lines being straight. In many cases lines are not always straight. The first subject is the tree branches. The secondary subject is the snow outlining the branches. 

Something White
The main subject in this photo is the horse. The secondary subject is the trees in the background. Although there are many lines in this picture, this is an example of vertical lines. I mainly took this photo because of how the trees popped out.