Monday, March 25, 2013


Main subject in this photo is the boy who looks unsteady. The secondary subject is his friends that are sitting. I like this photo because it shows emotion throughout the kids whole body. I dislike this photo because of the boy who is just standing there showing no emotion. 

The main subject in this photo is the girl that is looking away. The secondary subject is the girl who is blurry. I dislike this photo because you can barely see the girls face. 

The main subject in the photo is the boy. The secondary subject is the person right behind him. I like this photo because the boy appears to be looking at the camera.

The main subject in this photo is the girl. The secondary subject is the skates. I like this photo because of the lighting in the background.

The main subject in this photo is the girl. The secondary subject is the lighting. I like this photo because of the lighting. I dislike this photo because parts of it are blurry.

The main subject is the girl. The secondary subject is her skates. I like this photo because it shows her emotions well. I dislike this photo because of the girls standing behind her.

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