Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Animal Morph

Crazy Cat
This was a fun project to do. I should have fixed the cats right eye to make it look like the left eye. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Skating Re-edits


I cropped the bot that was standing with his back facing the camera out because he was too distracting. 


I went into photoshop elements and converted this picture to black and white instead of using ipohoto. I did this because it got rid of the nasty brown looking color.


I converted this to black and white because it appeared to be the only way I could get the girl's face to brighten up. 


Main subject in this photo is the boy who looks unsteady. The secondary subject is his friends that are sitting. I like this photo because it shows emotion throughout the kids whole body. I dislike this photo because of the boy who is just standing there showing no emotion. 

The main subject in this photo is the girl that is looking away. The secondary subject is the girl who is blurry. I dislike this photo because you can barely see the girls face. 

The main subject in the photo is the boy. The secondary subject is the person right behind him. I like this photo because the boy appears to be looking at the camera.

The main subject in this photo is the girl. The secondary subject is the skates. I like this photo because of the lighting in the background.

The main subject in this photo is the girl. The secondary subject is the lighting. I like this photo because of the lighting. I dislike this photo because parts of it are blurry.

The main subject is the girl. The secondary subject is her skates. I like this photo because it shows her emotions well. I dislike this photo because of the girls standing behind her.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Snow White
I absolutely love this picture of my horse. It's almost as he knew I was taking a picture so he posed! The main subject in this photograph is the horse. The second subject is the snow on the trees. I love how white this picture is! 
Red White and Blue 

The Path 


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lines in Nature

I took this photo because not all lines are straight. This picture shows a good example of that. The main subject in this photo is the tree branches. The secondary subject is the snow resting on the branches. I like this photo because of the angle I shot it at. I took this picture looking upwards at the sky. 

I like how the snow in this picture makes the branches pop out. This is another example of how lines in nature are not always straight. When we think of lines, we automatically think of lines being straight. In many cases lines are not always straight. The first subject is the tree branches. The secondary subject is the snow outlining the branches. 

Something White
The main subject in this photo is the horse. The secondary subject is the trees in the background. Although there are many lines in this picture, this is an example of vertical lines. I mainly took this photo because of how the trees popped out. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Replace A Sky

This is for the replace a sky assignment. I do not like how it turned out. Personally, I did not have very good pictures for this project and I found this hard to do with the trees in the background. I do like the concept of how the replace a sky is supposed to work. 

Friday, March 1, 2013


Rolling in the Snow
I took some extra pictures just for fun. I love how the cat is positioned in this photo. Also I like the white background of snow. 

I like this photo because the cat looks serious. Also I like the fence that is behind the cat. 

Old Barn
I like how the sky adds drama to this picture. I like this picture because not all photographs are pretty and this one does not give off a pretty feeling. 

Winter Patterns

Do I blend in?
While I was trying to take photos the barn cats would not leave me alone. I decided why not take pictures of them too. I like this picture because there are several patterns. At first I did not like this picture because I thought there was too much grey but now I am starting to like it. I think a different distance might help this picture not look so square. 

This is a photo of the old barn. I like the patterns of the nails and the wood. I think the black and white effect adds more to the feeling of it being old. I think this photo is boring. Maybe if there was something in this photo to make it stand out it might have been better.

I took this photo because there is nothing but a repeated fence line. I like this photo because of the weeds by the fence posts. If I had more sections of the fence in this photo it might have made it better.