Friday, May 17, 2013

Arboretum Trip

I like this picture because if you look closely there is a pattern with the umbrellas. I turned this photo to black and white because there was barely any color in the photo. 
This is my favorite picture of the whole day. I like this picture because of the lighting, how you can see everything in the leaf and how it fills the frame. 

Shadow on the Flower
I like this picture because there is a different color besides brown and green in the photo. I dislike this picture because of the shadow on the flow. I believe it would have turned out better without the shadow. 

I like this picture because not only is it a cool reflection in the water but it is also framed by the bank. I boosted the blues in this photo to help bring out the shadows in the water. I dislike this photo because there was too much light in the upper right corner so I had to crop it. 

Bug on the Flower
I like this picture because of the bug on the flower. When I was taking the picture I didn't know there was a bug on it until I started to edit them. I dislike this photo because I could have gotten a better shot of the flower.


  1. wow-the texture (Blood root) and reflection ones are GREAT!

    1. Thanks! The blood root one is my favorite. I saw it out of the corner of my eye and the lighting in it was perfect.

  2. I love the blood root, but the reflection is my favorite!! Ahh! Amazing :)
