Monday, April 8, 2013


Tapping Trees
I took this picture for the warmth assignment. When the weather starts to get warm that means its time to make maple syrup. I like this picture because on most trees in the woods we still use buckets. I dislike this picture because of the snow that is still in the background. 

 I like this picture because most people don't know how maple syrup is cooked. Cooking the maple syrup is my favorite part because I get to stand around the fire. I dislike this photo because of the steam I can see in it.

Unlike the picture above this one, I was actually trying to take a picture of the steam. I like this picture because of the foggy effect the steam gives off. I dislike this picture because of the angle I took it at. I enjoy looking at this picture because I can "smell" the maple syrup just by looking at the steam. 

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