Monday, February 25, 2013


In this picture I took out the power line that was running across the photo. I could have done a better job of cloning the sky on the right hand side but it was hard to do because of all the shades of blue. Also the different shades of blue in the right hand corner almost look like they are supposed to be a shadow. 
In this photo I enhanced the color to make the sun rise brighter. I also cloned out the roof of the house that was in the left hand corner by the tree line. I think I did a good job cloning out the roof. 
I turned this photo to a black and white photo. The reason I turned it to a black and white photo was because I believe the color and brightness was already good. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Winter Light

Country Road
I shot this photo driving out on the back roads. I like how it appears to keep going. The lighting and the clouds worked well in this photo. 

I took this photo because I liked how the clouds were in front of the sun. The darkness of the trees and the hill worked well in this photo. If the area of the sky were larger, it might have made this photo better. 

This photo was taken this morning outside my house. I like the color of the sunset. I don't like how you can only see the roof of the house. It might have worked better if the whole house was in it or all the way out of it. I also like the texture of the corn field in this photo. 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Silly Horse!

Being Silly!
Here is a picture of my horse Silver being a goof. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Professional Photographers

Jim Brandenburg
For 3 decades, Jim Brandenburg traveled as a photographer with the National Geographic Magazine. He has been published with national and international publications including New York Times, Life, Time, Smithsonian, Natural History and many more. Brandenburg has received many honors for his work. I like Brandenburg's photography because his pictures are of animals and nature. This is an example of his latest work.
Blackie Pup

John MacLean
MacLean has captured amazing pictures for over ten years. John MacLean was the president of a photography club. In Canada, MacLean has received a bronze medal for the highest scoring image. He has also received honorable mentions in Canadian Association of Photographic Art. I like John MacLeans work because he shoots photos of people. He also captures special moments and memories in the photos. This is an example of John MacLeans work.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Snowy Hill
I shot this photo because I like how the trees look after a snowfall. I like the placement of this photo. I do not like the lighting in this photo. A different setting on my camera might have helped or even a different time of day. 

Snowy Trees
I shot this photo driving through the park. It was really pretty the way the snow landed on the trees and stayed. I think this picture would be better if I was on a different spot in the road.

 Stable Blanket
I shot this photo after putting on Silver's winter blanket. He couldn't wait to get his blanket on. I like the lighting in this photo. I think the trees in the background could be lighter in color. 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Textures in Photography

By James Fitzgerald

Morning Dew by Joni Niemela

Another example of texture in photography.

By Blayne Nightpaw

Yassine Hakimi