Thursday, January 31, 2013

Depth of Field

Broken Train Tracks by Churl
This is an example of narrow depth of field.

Photo by Gabi Menashe
This is another example of narrow depth of field.

This is an example of wide depth of field.

Another example of wide depth of field.

My favorite is narrow depth of field. It makes you focus on one thing in the picture but that one thing can mean so many things.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

RIP Baylee

This is Baylee! I rescued her from being sent to a slaughter house. She became my first horse I ha ever owned. We became best friends within minutes. Her health was not good enough to make it through the winter. I had to euthanize her. She has now become my inspiration for everything. Every day I would go out and spend hours with her. Every single day I spent with her not matter what her health was like she was always in a cheerful mood calling to me. You will always be in my heart Baylee. RIP Baylee!

Composition in Photography

Sunflower by Malte Sorensen 

Rule of Thirds by John Watson

Texas in July by Carol Von Canon

Open Theme

The main subject in this photo is the horse. The secondary subject is the color white and snow. The different shade of the horses coat worked well in this photo. The position of the horse I believe could have been better. I made this picture because Silver is my only horse, my best friend and I wanted something to remember him by. This picture is for the open theme assignment. 

Big Boy
Silver, the horse is the main subject in this photo. Snow and nature is the secondary subject. The trees in the background worked well in this photo because it adds more color to the photo. If Silver's head was up higher it would make this picture better. I made this picture because I spend most of my time out in the horse pen with Silver. This picture was for the assignment open theme. 

Pals for Life
The two horses Baylee and Silver are the main subjects in this photo. The secondary subject is friends. The two horses being together worked well in this photo. A different position of the horses could make this picture better. I made this picture in memory of Baylee. This is for the open theme assignment.

The cat is the main subject in this photo. The secondary subject is the black background. The lighting worked well in this photograph. A different expression on the cats face might have worked better for this photo. I am always taking photos of my cat and this is just one of the many. This is for the open theme assignment.

Sleepy Head
Breezy's face is the main subject in this photo. The colors within her face is the secondary subject. I think the black background worked well with this photo. Being at a different distance might have worked better for this photo. I took this photo because I love taking pictures of animals. This photo is for the open theme assignment.